A systemic approach to conflict,
in the name of peace
Addressing the root cause that
divides people, for peace
Peace building in the Middle East,
is long-term.

About Peace Labs

Peace Labs (مختبرات السلام) was founded in 2012, to advance peace work in the Middle East. As a non-profit organization, Peace Labs approaches conflict systemically and systematically, addressing and analyzing the root causes, and adopting a long-term programming approach, to mitigate conflict and to strengthen social cohesion within and between communities.

How we support peace

Whilst the fields of peacebuilding and conflict resolution are still relatively nascent in the Middle East, progress has been made in some communities exposed to violence. At Peace Labs, the focus is on three main pillars to advance peacebuilding efforts across the region. They include:


Dialogue and Peace Mediation

To address conflicts in a constructive manner, facilitate difficult conversations through process design and intended outcome planning, to both prevent and to resolve conflict

Peace Support Programs

To design and implement localized community projects, to promote knowledge, skills and attitudes to support communities in either preventing conflict, resolving conflict peacefully, or creating conditions for peace.

Peace Research and Reflective Practices

Whereby all findings from the field, through partners or on-ground research are assessed and channeled back into the design process, leading to continuous enhancement and critical reflection on processes and projects.

Our Approach

Collaborate & create synergies with local players

Adopt a co-read & co-learn model

Host workshops & facilitate dialogues

Reflect & constructively assess efforts

Collaborate with Peace Labs

Be part of peacebuilding in the MENA region

Our Partners